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  幹性肌膚缺水的原因是因為肌膚缺乏鎖水的能力,肌膚含水量低導致肌膚細胞因缺水而破損,尤其是到了乾燥的秋冬季節,受外界來說,除了補充肌膚表面的水分之外,更重要的是從肌膚深層改善自我保水能力,生日開心時刻,唔想好友做「最上鏡毛毛小姐」手毛盡露?!立即為好友送上 dermes「上唇+腋下」激光脫毛體驗*。完成免費dermes 脫毛體驗。







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the progress of aging will slow

The Years Take Their Toll

As we age, our blood no longer circulates as quickly or as well, and our skin dehydrates; the production of collagen slows and our skin becomes less elastic. Years of exposure to the sun and harsh elements helps create lines, wrinkles, spots, and broken blood vessels; hormones production decreases with time and skin becomes thinner and duller, and pores enlarge. The pull of gravity causes aging skin to droop around the mouth and eyes, and the chin begins to sag. We produce fewer melanocytes as we grow older, which means our skin pigmentation changes, and skin color fades or becomes blotchy. Our bodies become less flexible and we become stiff and less active.

Start Anti Aging Treatments from the Inside

A balanced diet helps us receive the nutrition necessary for good health, which is reflected in thicker, shinier hair, clearer, healthier skin, and increased energy, all of which helps us look and feel younger. Choose foods from all the food groups to ensure that you are receiving at least minimum amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. We have an increased need for particular nutritional elements as we age and at various stages in life, and when we have specific health concerns. We also know that soil in which fruits and vegetables are grown is often depleted in nutrients, and more nutrients are lost in food processing, handling, and cooking. Fortunately, this doesn't mean you have to find a plot of land and grow your own produce, nor do you have to chew your way through raw food every day, and, yes, you can treat yourself to fast food and processed food now and then. The solution is to take anti aging supplements.

Your primary anti aging supplement should be a multivitamin, and you can add individual supplements as needed. Choose a multivitamin formulation suitable for your age and sex that includes an antioxidant or two, such as vitamins C and E, to protect your skin and vital organs from free radicals. B vitamins are important for healthy hair, skin, and gums; calcium and magnesium protect against osteoporosis; and vitamin A against cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Since collagen is the cellular glue in the fibers that support the outer layer of skin, as well as the main protein in bones, cartilage and connective tissue, adding a collagen supplement makes a lot of sense, too. For best results, take your supplements with meals as they work synergistically with other nutrients.

Don't forget the importance of water. Drink it - lots of it - at least eight glasses a day.

Exercise is one of the most important elements in your arsenal of daily anti aging treatments. Get out of that chair, tear yourself away from the television set and start moving. Walking is an easy and beneficial form of exercise, and doesn't require any special clothing or equipment. Go for it!

Cleanse and Moisturize Skin with Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Anti aging skin care products include cleansers and exfoliates that will help keep your skin scrupulously clean. Gently remove your eye makeup and then your face makeup with an oil-based cream or milk lotion before washing your face. Forget the harsh soaps and cleansers and the hot water. Use lukewarm water on your face and pat your skin dry rather than rub it. For extra-deep cleansing, use an exfoliate or a cleansing mask weekly, or if your skin is very sensitive, monthly.

After cleansing, use a toner or a skin firming product and then apply a moisturizer of which there are two types. One is the group of humecants such as glycerin, sorbitol, lactic acid, and urea, which attract and hold moisture; the other is the family of emollients such as petroleum jelly, lanolin, and mineral oil that form barriers to seal in moisture. Both are effective, and you will have to experiment to discover which type you prefer and works best for you. Use a light, easily absorbed moisturizer during the day, and apply a heavier moisturizer at night.

You can find cleansers, toners, and moisturizers designed for oily, dry, and combination skin. Over-active oil glands can cause acne to erupt at various ages, and your skin will become drier with age. Select skin care products suitable for your skin type.

As well as a toner and the essential moisturizer, you can find anti aging products designed specifically to lighten age spots, to protect the tender skin under the eyes, to treat dry lips, and to manage acne and blemishes. If you would like to reduce wrinkles, alpha hydroxy acids and Retin A are the modern miracle treatments and they can be prescribed by your doctor.

Whatever cleansing, moisturizing, or problem-solving skincare products you use, if you forget your sunscreen, it is all a waste of money and effort. Skin has no greater enemy than the sun - protect it well from those harmful rays. Use a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15, and slap it on summer and winter, on sunny days and under heavy cloud cover. Those damaging rays can reach right through the clouds and find your unprotected skin. Don't forget to put sunscreen on your lips, too.

Choose Anti Aging Products When Buying Makeup

People use makeup to enhance their best features and to conceal flaws, such as blemishes and scars. If you wear makeup, choose products compatible with your anti aging treatments. There are cosmetics designed for people with blonde, brunette, red, or gray hair, and skin tones that range from very pale to black. Many are created specifically for oily, dry, and combination skin. Read labels and shop carefully to receive the benefits of these particular anti aging treatments. Their use will help you look younger and help protect your skin. There is makeup for long-term use and for emergency fix-ups. It is wonderful to have products on hand that will conceal under-eye dark circles or puffiness, as well as pimples and broken capillaries when these misfortunes strike.

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Retail prices of hair extensions make them cost-prohibitive for most salons and hairdressers. Luckily, wholesale hair extensions are available for professional hairdressers. The following is a partial list of companies offering hair extensions and supplies at wholesale prices rent power generator.

Sexy Hair Extensions

Sells wholesale supplies and extensions to hairdressers. For example, they sell pre-bonded 14- or 18-inch extensions in bundles of 100 strands for $147.

Roman Hair

Offers 100-percent Remy Indian hair extensions. They offer wholesale hair extensions to resellers and salons.


This site offers a large variety of hair extension products, such as synthetic hair, extension kits, tubing, clip-ons, wefts, and fusion equipment. To qualify for their wholesale pricing, you must fill out a resale registration form, available on their website. The first order must be at least $2,000 to qualify for discounts .

Hair Replacement Centers

Hair Replacement Centers helps people with hair loss or balding. However, they offer an assortment of European hair extensions from such vendors as Jose Eber, Raquel Welch, Ren of Paris, Revlon, Look of Love, Flawless, and Graffiti. They offer discounts on orders of over 10 sets. They also offer a business opportunity for people interested in opening a Hair Replacement Center. Additionally, they give a discount of 70-percent for Internet orders .

For other wholesale hair extensions, you can check industry books. Hairdresser or cosmetologist trade magazines offer ads for hair extensions. You can also do a search on a search engine for "wholesale hair extensions." Many of these companies will require proof that you are a professional hairdresser, while some are willing to extend wholesale prices to the public with a minimum purchase.

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necessarily all rouge and roses

I’ve worked very hard at maintaining my role as a good husband and father of eight-month-old twins. I wash dishes, change diapers, and most importantly, try to maintain some form of communication with my wife. Sometimes the topics for discussion are not my favorite, but I honestly do try and resist the urge to start singing a random tune over and over in my head HIFU.

Recently, however, I’ve had to draw the “line” on one subject in particular—makeup and cosmetics. The topic is inevitable. It constantly arises due to the fact that my wife is always applying some form of cosmetics as I drive to our destinations. Honestly, I had no clue that cosmetics had so many facets and points of interest, but still … do I really need this information?

There’s usually a complete course on her current choice of lip liner. Obviously, the thickness of said liner is of great importance. She will inevitably hold the liner about 2 inches from my right eye (in my direct line of vision of the road) to ask, “Can you tell the difference in this new one? Clearly it’s better than that other one I had last week. This new one has great definition and contrast.” Usually at this point I am repeating her words, “definition and contrast.” Are we still talking about lip liner? It sounds like she could be admiring the work of a Renoir or Botticelli.

Then there’s the “shimmer factor” in her makeup selection and application. This is the one that I always have trouble with. My wife is a beautiful woman with big blue eyes. Is she supposed to shimmer? If so, how much shimmer is too much? I have noticed that most of her shimmer questions are about lip gloss, which, as I understand, goes over the lipstick, between the lines of the previously discussed lip liner. Seriously, this one always stumps me. Gloss, to me, would indicate a great deal of shimmer, much like a piece of furniture with a high gloss finish. But to my wife, there is a certain “gloss” line that, if crossed, ruins all previous lip applications reenex.

Somewhere during this intricate process, mascara will inevitably be contemplated. The clumping factor, the longevity, the waterproof-ness, the application tool, the method of containment, and again, the definition and contrast.

It never fails to amaze me that among all of these factors, price is never mentioned. Price, the first thing that a man would consider and the factor that often dictates his decision, is of no relevance at all. In fact, if I ever inquire about the price of a really good mascara, I am usually told, “Priceless.” This is followed by a lesson of the new mascara’s incredible ability to do what last week’s mascara couldn’t possibly do. The new mascara has answered all of her cosmetic prayers. Funny how in a couple of weeks the industry will introduce another miracle that her lovely lashes cannot live without. Priceless reenex.

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A plus-size figure is no longer a barrier for people aspiring to become models but an advantage sometimes.

Now in China, plus-size modeling has become an emerging career opportunity, which is led by the introduction of Western fashion trends, along with the rise of China’s online shopping and people’s needs for foreign trade clothing travel jobs.

With a weight over 154 pounds and a height of more than 1.65 meters, those people who are aged below 25 meet the basic requirements of a plus-size model.

Some media reports suggest the top plus-size models can earn as much as 2,000 yuan (around US$292) per hour, and their monthly income could easily surpass 70,000 yuan.

"Currently the industry is mainly composed of university students, majoring in English, architecture, foreign trade, music, art and even diplomacy. Many of them are taking this part-time job as a way to earn tuition fees, “said Huang Fei, an agent of plus-size models Polar M600.

Huang says she has hired over 40 male and female models, from places including Zhejiang, Shanxi and Henan provinces; some are even from foreign countries like Germany, Mexico, Brazil, and Russia.

"This job offers a new world to those ’big’ girls, which encourages them to regain confidence and to live a healthy, happy and beautiful life," said Huang

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Facebook introduced dozens of options for users to identify their gender today - and although the social media giant said it would not be releasing a comprehensive list, ABC News has found at least 58 so far Karson Choi.

Previously, users had to identify themselves as male or female. They were also given the option of not answering or keeping their gender private.

Users can now select a "custom" gender option.

"There’s going to be a lot of people for whom this is going to mean nothing, but for the few it does impact, it means the world," Facebook software engineer Brielle Harrison told the Associated Press. Harrison, who worked on the project, is in the process of gender transition, from male to female.

Facebook will also allow users to select between three pronouns: "him," "her" or "their DSE Maths Mock Paper."

The following are the 58 gender options identified by ABC News

Agender, Androgyne, Androgynous, Bigender, Cis, Cisgender, Cis Female, Cis Male, Cis Man, Cis Woman, Cisgender Female, Cisgender Male, Cisgender Man, Cisgender Woman, Female to Male, FTM, Gender Fluid, Gender Nonconforming, Gender Questioning, Gender Variant, Genderqueer, Intersex, Male to Female, MTF, Neither, Neutrois, Non-binary, Other, Pangender, Trans, Trans*, Trans Femal, Trans* Female, Trans Male, Trans* Male, Trans Man, Trans* Man, Trans Person, Trans* Person, Trans Woman, Trans* Woman, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transgender Female, Transgender Male, Transgender Man, Transgender Person, Transgender Woman, Transmasculine, Transsexual, Transsexual Female, Transsexual Male, Transsexual Man SmarTone , Transsexual Person, Transsexual Woman, Two-Spirit.

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Asleep At The Wheel: Shutting Down

Shutting Down

Nate Pickett, a 23-year-old insulation sales rep, had just finished lunch and was leaving Tooele, Utah, in his small pickup truck, headed for his next job. It was about 2 p.m., and he was driving on a long stretch of highway when his head began to bob and his eyelids grew heavy and started to close Neo skin lab.

Pickett frequently drove while drowsy. He was married, working full-time and attending school part-time. He and his co-workers joked about the times when they had caught themselves falling asleep at the wheel. But that day in October 2004, Pickett was unusually sleepy and decided to pull off at the next exit and nap. What Pickett didn't realize is that although parts of his brain were relatively alert, other parts were already shutting down. Sleep had crept up on him.

Before Pickett reached the off ramp, he dozed off and drifted to the right. He was jolted awake only when his tires thumped along the rumble strips on the edge of the highway. Adrenaline pumping, he was suddenly alert and careening off the road at 70 miles an hour. Pickett stomped the brake and swung the steering wheel first left, then right, trying to regain control bull market.

"It was too late," he recalls. "The cab of my truck was just thrown to the ground." Strapped in by his seat belt, he held the steering wheel tightly while his truck rolled five times down an embankment. "All I could hear was smashing metal and breaking glass Hong Kong itinerary."

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Normal skin type

Normal skin is smooth, finely-textured, soft and supple. If you are lucky enough to possess this skin type chef jobs in hong kong, treasure it by using light cleansers and lotions and mild toners and fresheners.

Dry skin type

Dry skin is usually thin and delicate and often flaky and prone to fine lines. It sometimes feels tighter than it should. Extremely rich and greasy creams are not good for it because they strangulate the pores, often enlarging them and so creating an extra problem. Use light oils and lotions for moisturising and choose herbal toners, which are mild and not too astringent. Try to restore the pH or acid-alkali balance with the application of such things as cucumber juice or diluted vinegar so that the sebaceous glands are encouraged to function.

Generally speaking, the emollient and hydrating herbs (chamomile, comfrey, cowslip, elderflower, fennel, marshmallow, orange blossom, rose, violet) are the best to use in lotions and toners for dry skin. But there is no hard and fast rule. Astringent herbs can be good for dry skins, for example, if blended with emollient herbs or oils and gels, and many herbs are suitable for all skin types. If the skin is sensitive as well as dry, see the notes on sensitive skin below.

Oily skin type

Oily skin is shiny and coarser-textured, often with enlarged pores. It is prone to blackheads and spots. Don't use alcohol to reduce the oiliness of the skin, as it will only worsen the problem. Many herbal toners are suitable for reducing oiliness and tightening the pores (see list of suitable herbs below). Egg-white makes a nice mild face-mask. Don't over dry the skin; moisturise with a light lotion. Aim to restore your skin's acid-alkali balance so that the sebaceous glands cease to produce such large amounts of oil aviation engineering.

Astringent and cleansing herbs are generally the best to choose when treating an oily skin. These are: cinquefoil, clary sage, comfrey, cucumber, dandelion, horsetail, houseleek, hyssop, lavender, lemon balm, lemongrass, lemon verbena, marigold, mint, parsley, sage, witch hazel and yarrow. But don't forget that many herbs are suited to all skin types and that many of the strengthening and anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, cowslip, fennel, lettuce, elderflower, orange blossom, rose, violet) are suitable for oily skins.

Combination skin types

The person with this skin type will have to follow two beauty routines, one for the dry areas, and another for the oily. I think the oily areas balance up more easily in this type of skin than when the whole face is oily, so don't despair.

Sensitive skin type

This skin is usually fine-textured and often prone to reddish veins and patches. Keep to light oils and lotions for cleansing and moisturising, and mild herbal toners and compresses to soothe the skin and reduce redness and veins. It is usually wise for people with sensitive skins to stay away from the stimulating herbs (lavender, lime flower, mint, nettle, sage, southernwood, summer savory, thyme).

Dull skin

Dull skin has lost the bloom of vitality and the soft glow of renewal. It looks matt and lifeless. Its acid balance has slipped. If it is oily or large-pored skin use diluted cider vinegar or lemon juice, or cucumber juice to balance it. If it is dry skin, use buttermilk or cucumber juice.

Mature skin type

Older skin can be toned and softened and restored to much of its former beauty. The skin is a wonderfully regenerating organ, given encouragement. Use a light hand with makeup if you must use it, as this dries and ages the skin.

Other Factors that can influence you skin

The foundation of a healthy beautiful skin is diet. Are you getting sufficient polyunsaturated fats? These are essential to a healthy skin and do not cause facial oiliness. They are found in cereal grains, nuts and cold pressed nut and vegetable oils.

Plenty of vitamin C is fundamental to a beautiful skin, because it builds collagen and elastin, the bonding and structural substances which give tone and resilience. There is no need to resort to tablets. Eat bean sprouts, green and red peppers, black currants, oranges and lemons. Then there are guavas and rosehips, so your diet need not be restricted or dull. There is infinite variety to suit every palate.

Lack of vitamin A can cause dryness of the skin. Eat dandelion, parsley, watercress, carrots, pumpkins, celeriac.

If your skin is unbalanced, either flaky or too oily, or if your lips peel, then check your intake of vitamin B foods. Oats, years, bran, goat's milk, whole rice, sunflower seeds, sprouted seeds and grains are some of the sources.

About The Author

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan best design school, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

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